[1-8] 学术报告:人体肿瘤免疫微环境的塑造与临床意义
报告人: 郑利民教授,院长 中山大学生命学院
时间: 2015 年1月8日下午16:00-17:30
地点: 动物所A401会议室
郑利民:“长江学者”特聘教授;杰青获得者 1984年毕业于上海医科大学随后在附属华山医院任住院和总住院医生。1994年获荷兰Leiden大学免疫学博士;1999年被瑞典国家研究院聘为助理教授。2002年底入选中山大学“百人计划”,2004年获国家杰出青年基金,2009年被聘为教育部“长江学者”特聘教授。现任中山大学生命科学院副院长,肿瘤医院生物治疗中心主任和中山大学肝癌研究所所长。多年来一直从事人免疫细胞信号调控研究,在国际期刊发表论文40余篇,总影响因子220余点。目前以肝癌为主要模型,结合临床样本和实验模型来研究间质免疫细胞(土壤)与癌细胞(种子)之间的相互作用和潜在机制,探讨以间质免疫细胞作为肿瘤分子分期和治疗靶标的可行性。
Selected Recent Publications:
1. Wu, W. C., … Zheng, L. Circulating hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells are myeloid-biased in cancer patients. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2015, 111: 4221-6
2. Wu, DM Kuang, W Pan, Y Wan, X Li, D Wang, X Lao, and L Zheng. Monocyte/macrophage elicited NK cell dysfunction in Hepatocellular carcinoma is mediated by CD48/2B4 interactions. Hepatology 2012, 2013 57: 1107-16
3. J Xu, T Ding, Q He, X Yu, W Wu, W Jia, J Yun, Y Zhang, M Shi, C Shao, WD Pan, X Yin, J Min, SM Zhuang and L Zheng. In Situ molecular signature predict early recurrence in Hepatitis B virus-related hepatocellular carcinoma. J. Hepatol. 2012. 57: 313-21.
4. Q Zhao, DM Kuang, Y Wu, X Xiao, X Li, T Li, and L Zheng. Activated CD69+ T cells foster immune privilege by regulating IDO expression in tumor-associated macrophages. J. Immunol. 2012, 188;1117-24.
5. DM Kuang, Q Zhao, Y Wu, C Peng, J Wang, Z Xu, X Yin, and L Zheng. Peritumoral neutrophils link inflammatory response to disease progression by fostering angiogenesis in hepatocellular carcinoma. J. Hepatol. 2011, 54:948-955. Editorial Comment in J Hepatol. 2011, 54:853-5
6. T Ding, J Xu, Y Zhang, RP Guo, W Wei, SD Zhang, CN Qian, and L Zheng. Endothelium coated tumor clusters are associated with poor prognosis and micrometastasis of Hepatocellular carcinoma after resection. Cancer, 2011, 117:4878-89
7. DM Kuang, C Peng, Q Zhao, Y Wu, L Zhu, J Wang, X Yin, L Li, and L Zheng. Tumor activated monocytes promote expansion of IL-17-producing CD8+ T cells in hepatocellular carcinoma patients. J. Immunol. 2010. 185:1544-9.
8. DM Kuang, C Peng, Q Zhao, Y Wu, M Chen, and L Zheng. Activated monocytes in peritumoral stroma of hepatocellular carcinoma promote expansion of memory Th17 cells. Hepatology. 2010. 51:154-64.
9. JP Zhang, J Yan, J Xu, X Pang, MS Chen, L Li, C Wu, SP Li, and L Zheng. Increased intratumoral IL-17 producing cells correlate with poor survival in hepatocellular carcinoma patients. J. Hepatol. 2009. 50:980-9.
10. DM Kuang, QY Zhao, C Peng, J Xu, JP Zhang, C Wu, and L Zheng. Activated monocytes in peritumoral stroma of hepatocellular carcinoma foster immune privilege and disease progression through PD-L1. J. Exp. Med. 2009. 206: 1327-37.
11. DM Kuang, Y Wu, N Chen, J Cheng, SM Zhuang, and L Zheng. Tumor-derived hyaluronan induces formation of immunosuppressive macrophages through transient early activation of monocytes. Blood, 2007.