[10-21]生物膜与膜生物工程国家重点实验室学术报告:Control of signalling by the rhomboid-like superfamily
报告题目:Control of signalling by the rhomboid-like superfamily
报 告 人:Prof. Matthew Freeman,Dunn School of Pathology ,University of Oxford
邀 请 人:林鑫华 研究员 010-64807970
报告地点:中科院动物所 B105会议室
Matthew Freeman is Professor of Pathology and Head of Sir William Dunn School of Pathology. The main questions they study are what cellular mechanisms regulate signalling between animal cells, and how that signalling controls biological functions like development and physiology.
Their focus recently has been on the rhomboid family of proteins. More recently they have become interested in non-catalytic rhomboid-like proteins. They are also pursuing the potential medical significance of their basic discoveries, which includes cancer, inflammation, metabolic disorders and infectious diseases.
Prizes and Honours:
2015 Novartis Medal and Prize (announced 2014)
2009 Member of Council, the Royal Society
2003 Awarded Hooke Medal of British Society for Cell Biology
2001 Awarded EMBO Gold Medal
1996 Max Perutz Prize for research at LMB
Editorial Advisory Boards:
2003-present Current Biology
2003-present Developmental Cell
2005-present Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology
2006-present Fly
Representative Publications:
1、Freeman, M. (2014). The Rhomboid-Like Superfamily: Molecular Mechanisms and Biological Roles. Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol. DOI: 10.1146/annurev-cellbio-100913-012944
2、Adrain, C., Zettl, M., Christova, Y., Taylor, N. and Freeman, M. (2012). TNF signalling requires iRhom2 to promote trafficking and activation of TACE. Science, 335, 225-8.
3、Zettl, M., Adrain, C., Strisovsky, K., Lastun, V., and Freeman, M. (2011). Rhomboid Family Pseudoproteases Use the ER Quality Control Machinery to Regulate Intercellular Signaling. Cell, 145, 79-91.
4、Urban, S., Lee, J.R. and Freeman, M. (2001). Drosophila Rhomboid-1 defines a novel family of putative intramembrane serine proteases. Cell, 107, 173-182.
5、 Lee. J.R., Urban, S., Garvey, C.F. and Freeman, M. (2001). Regulated intracellular ligand transport and proteolysis control EGF signal activation in Drosophila. Cell, 107, 161-171.
6、Freeman, M. (2000). Feedback control of developmental signalling. Nature, 408, 313-319.
7、Casci, T., Vinós, J. and Freeman, M. (1999). Sprouty, an intracellular inhibitor of Ras signalling. Cell, 96, 655-665.
8、Wasserman, J.D. and Freeman, M. (1998). An autoregulatory cascade of EGF receptor signalling patterns the Drosophila egg.Cell, 95, 355-364.